
                                                    TELEX COMPETITOR ANALYSIS ( )   The communication world continues to evolve like every other contemporary facet of life. The word ‘basic’ appears to be losing meaning and gaining more relevance at the same time – an awkward but valid irony. Now more than ever, the use of tools to carry out the most ‘basic’ of tasks is now so commonplace, so much so that the producers of these tools continually come up with better applications of their tools in torrents, just as alternatives pop out from almost every corner. This now puts the consumer or user of these tools in a quandary of sorts as developers continue to design and compete to be the tool of choice. An attendant effect of these choices is the expansion of what used to be basic. One-on-one conversation, then group conversations, the...

We and Them

He follows without question. She leads the way gently, holds his hands and guides him gently through the crowd of bodies. It’s true she is the woman and he, the man but at that time they paint the mama and son picture. They complete their transaction or rather she completes the transaction for him, confirms the cash, then gently puts it in his hands. Of course, she whispers the denominations to him and he pushes the money into the breast pocket of his starched and well ironed ‘guinea’ top. Didn’t hear him say thank you or he did much later or ‘sotto voced’ it (my concoction). She had led him back the way they came; not showing any sign of stress. And it was no sauntering. It was a slow patient walk. One holding the hand of the other. No complaint on one side but no gratitude or feelings on the other too. They did not say much but they did show much: one needing it; the other giving it. You can guess that’s the way it’s been for them. Each playing fate assigned role with faith not m...


I have been off here for a while now but while trying to refresh and re-motivate myself for the next demand on my list, I chanced on the story below on Facebook and felt I should share with y'all. Read, learn, and apply, people: we owe us that much! .............…...….................... I sat down inside the keke, thinking about what my kids were going to eat when they returned from school. After their mum died, the sole responsibility of taking care of the kids was on me and it didn't bother me. I was doing relatively well until I was sacked from my place of work because they needed to reduce the number of staff as they could no longer pay everyone. I couldn't tell my kids the bad news, I mean, they have been used to a life of luxury and enjoyment and I didn't want to ruin it. The money I saved, I  invested it in a business that turned out to be a scam and it left me devastated. I had to sell my car to pay for their fees and I told them that the car was ...


  Top of the moment, folks! The piece below which I cannot attribute to anyone really got me going. Probably partly due to the fact I can recall many times I have fallen in love (albeit short-term) with those little beings. So much to internalise here folks. Read through and ensure to feed your mind right always! I was on a Keke yesterday to buy auto spare parts at uwelu.  A woman with three kids hopped in. Of course she is paying for a seat. I volunteered to carry one of the kids immediately. You would know they are poor. The kid stepped on me. She didn't even take note. Hahahahahaha. She just relaxed on me. Playing with my hand. Now I was the one who felt so loved. I actually wanted to keep the kid close to me. Suddenly they had to set down. As she was leaving the little girl gave me this loving look like, ' Hey Uncle, hope it was worth it'.. She never took note of my stained shoes and I didn't even bother. I watched the woman carry her armies with her...


And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free John 8:32 The truth that sets you free is that the grace of God is what justifies you as non can really be free on account of the law. Let your thoughts dwell on the truth that you cannot save yourself but for the grace of God which not only covers your past but is sufficient to take care of your present and future, no matter how long that may be. Set yourself free from the bondage of guilt and the weights of past deeds and mistakes. Set your mind on the sufficient grace of God.  Choose to walk the path of peace with God's abundant grace today and be free of the entanglement of sin - feed your mind right!


The Lord is my shepherd... Ps.23:1 The Lord is my shepherd....nothing else matters. Nothing can swing that incontrovertible truth. Not lack. Not fear. Not worries of the things in the past, guilt, or past sins or concern for the presence or the preferred future not happening. The Lord is my shepherd and that settles it. Rest your restiveness - Feed your mind right!


'For I know the plans I have for you'  says the Lord, 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster: to give you a future and a hope'  Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP) Feed your mind with God's perfect thoughts for you. Thoughts of perfecting all that concerns you. Live in His gift of a sound mind, confidence and love. Break out of the prison of limiting thoughts and fear of failure or things not working out as you prefer. Begin to think assured, walk assured and live confidently in all spheres of life and at every moment. Have confidence to do what is right, the right way, and at the right time and leave the rest to God to complete.  Break out of all thoughts that don't progress you today - feed your mind right!